How can I speed up my website?

As we all know, speed is vital to visitors of your website.

Here are a few tips to help your page load time:

Validate your code!

When code is not correctly written, it make the browser have to "think" while setting up page for display.  Visit the W3C Markup Validator to ensure you have valid code.

As well, while your at it, validate your Cascading Style Sheet.

Shrink those images!

When adding images to your website, think about how long they are going to take to be displayed.  Say you have an image that is 1000 pixels width by 1000 pixels tall.  That image will take precious seconds to load.  If possible try to lessen the "quality" of the image or shrink it in size.

Also, if you have a long bar image, you can make it mere pixels wide and simply repeat it as a background (if possible).

If you would like more information on website speed, visit the Yahoo! Developer Network page: Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site or contact a member of the Support Staff via a Ticket.

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